The Learn Enough Scholarship Program

Mar 17, 2020 • posted by Michael Hartl

Want to learn to code but need a little help affording the cost? We at Learn Enough would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about the Learn Enough Scholarship program, which gives deeply discounted or free access to Learn Enough’s flagship All Access Bundle (which includes all Learn Enough titles and the full Ruby on Rails Tutorial).

The Learn Enough Scholarship is designed for anyone who needs a little help affording a Learn Enough subscription. This includes students, people who are between jobs, or those who live in countries where the exchange rate makes the cost prohibitive.

It also potentially includes anyone affected by all the turmoil going on in the world right now.

As Learn Enough Scholar Ian recently put it:

The Learn Enough Scholarship played a big part in landing a Rails Dev job at a great start up. So much more than the Rails Tutorial, thanks Michael, Lee & Nick.

Scholarship prices range from $15/mo. to 100% free. As I noted in a RailsConf 2019 lightning talk, applying is as easy as filling in a textarea on the Internet.

I noted in the talk that, as of April 2019, we’d awarded nearly 1,000 scholarships. As of March 2020, that number is now over 1,400. You can see the smiling faces of some of our many Learn Enough Scholars here.

If the Learn Enough Scholarship sounds like a good fit for your situation, we encourage you to apply for a scholarship now.

learnenough-news , tutorials , scholarships