Launch of the new Rails Tutorial Screencasts

Aug 2, 2016 • posted by Michael Hartl

Due to popular demand, I am pleased to announce the launch of the Rails Tutorial screencats! The art of web development procrastination has never been cuter:

Rails Tutorial screencats

Although they’re not nearly as adorable as the screencasts (for obvious reasons), I’m also pleased to announce the launch of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial screencasts, updated for Rails 5!

The Rails Tutorial screencasts are the most up-to-date resource for learning web development with Ruby on Rails. They are available for free via the Learn Enough Society, as well as being available for purchase as direct downloads.

The best way to get the new screencasts is via the Learn Enough Society, which includes all 15+ hours as integrated streaming video:

The Learn Enough Society also includes text and video for the three Developer Fundamentals tutorials (Command Line, Text Editor, Git), as well as immediate access to new tutorials as they’re released.

The Rails Tutorial screencasts are the ideal complement to the Rails Tutorial book, allowing you to see exactly how web applications are built in practice. There are video lessons corresponding to each chapter of the book, totaling over 15 hours of content. You can view a full sample lesson here.

As with the 3rd edition of the tutorial, the new 4th edition covers every major aspect of web development:

  • Creating both static and dynamic pages with Rails templates
  • Data modeling with a full database back-end
  • Creating a working signup page from scratch
  • Building a custom login and authentication system
  • Learning to use cookies to make a working “remember me” checkbox
  • Activating accounts and resetting passwords
  • Sending email in Rails, both locally and in production
  • Advanced data modeling to create a mini Twitter-like application
  • Coverage of software best practices, including test-driven development and version control
  • Emphasis on strong security throughout
  • Deploying to production early and often

Those familiar with the previous edition will find the following main differences in the Rails 5 version:

  • 14 lessons instead of 12, due not to new material but to the two longest lessons being split in two (much more manageable)
  • Full compatibility with Rails 5, including the use of the rails command in place of rake
  • A shift toward integration-style testing for controllers, together with a new convention for passing parameters in tests

Because Rails 4.2 and Rails 5.0 are so similar, the new edition of the screencasts did not need to be created from scratch. Instead, the minor diffs mentioned above are highlighted as text notes in the videos themselves. The result is that it is immediately apparent which parts of the Rails framework have changed between versions.

Now that the Rails Tutorial screencasts are complete, my Learn Enough cofounders and I are hard at work on additional Learn Enough tutorials, with Action Cable, HTML, CSS & Layout, and JavaScript coming soon. Be sure to sign up for the email list to get notifications.

Remember, all 15+ hours of the Rails Tutorial screencasts are available both via the Learn Enough Society and as direct purchase.

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screencasts , rails