Rails Tutorial sample screencast video (timely feedback requested)

Mar 19, 2012 • posted by Michael Hartl

I'm gearing up for production on the second edition of the Rails Tutorial screencasts, and I've posted a sample video showing the setup I'm planning to use. I'm going to start screencasting within a few days, so now's your chance to give me feedback (at [email protected]) before the screencast train leaves the station.

Here's the sample video:

Rails Tutorial 2nd edition sample video

Update: I've also included a second video at a slightly different resolution.

These are some of the items I'd like to get feedback on:

  • Video. Is the video crisp? Are the size and format OK?
  • Sound. Is the sound clear? Is the volume good?
  • Screen resolution. The video's resolution is 1344x756, which uses the standard HD aspect ratio of 16:9 while still fitting on the screen of my MacBook Air. Let me know if it doesn't look good on your system. (If this resolution doesn't work, I might have to buy a new computer, which I'd really rather avoid…)
  • Applications and workflow. I'm planning to use iTerm and Sublime Text as the principal development tools. I'm 95% likely to stick with those, but let me know if you violently disagree with either choice. Note: The main reason for switching to Sublime Text from TextMate (the editor used in the first edition) is that it's comparably good while also being cross-platform.
  • The video includes some other details, so please watch it all the way through if you're planning to comment. (It's about 11 minutes long.)

Any other observations or suggestions are greatly appreciated ([email protected]), especially if they arrive within the next couple of days. Thanks!

Rails Tutorial 2nd edition sample video