Ruby on Rails 6

Aug 16, 2019 • posted by Michael Hartl

The Ruby on Rails web framework continues to be an outstanding choice for developing dynamic web applications—relied on by companies as varied as Disney, GitHub, and Airbnb.

And it keeps getting better: Ruby on Rails creator David Heinemeier Hansson has just announced the release of Rails 6.0!

With this new major release, I’m happy to say that the Ruby on Rails Tutorial book, videos, and online course will soon be updated accordingly.

Experience shows that it’s a good idea to let things shake out for a couple of weeks after any big release like this, so I'm going to spend that time going back through the whole tutorial using Rails 6 and fixing anything that needs to be updated.

I’ll also be updating the videos as necessary.


  • The new edition will be available for purchase and by subscription
  • All subscribers to the Ruby on Rails Tutorial course and the Learn Enough All Access Bundle will get automatic access to the upgraded edition
  • Purchasers of previous editions of the tutorial will receive generous upgrade discounts

I hope to have all the necessary edits done within a few weeks, and will announce the availability of the updated Ruby on Rails Tutorial at that time!

Sign up here for the Learn Enough/Rails Tutorial mailing list to be notified when it’s ready.

P.S. If you’re not sure you’re quite ready for the Rails Tutorial, now would be a good time to subscribe to the All Access Bundle, which covers all the necessary prerequisites for learning web development with Rails.

rails , learnenough-news , update