Ruby on Rails Tutorial Chapter 9 is out

Apr 1, 2010 • posted by Michael Hartl

I've just released a draft of Ruby on Rails Tutorial Chapter 9 ("Updating, showing, and deleting users"). It covers the last of the REST actions for the Users resource (edit, update, index, and destroy), as well as authorization before filters, sample data generation, and pagination. This release also includes small updates to Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, fixing a minor issue involving RSpec message expectations.

As noted in my post on the Rails 3 tutorial plan, Rails 3 (and its associated ecosystem) is not yet stable enough for use in an introductory tutorial. (Rails 3 beta 2 was just released today, so they're getting there… :-) As a result, Chapter 9 continues with its use of Rails 2.3.5. Readers interested in helping with the upcoming Rails 3 upgrade should join the Rails 3 Tutorial Brigade.