Ruby on Rails Tutorial schedule
Dec 18, 2009 • posted by Michael Hartl
This is just a quick heads-up on the Ruby on Rails Tutorial schedule. I'm leaving tomorrow for a holiday trip to Very Far Away from Anywhere, Alaska, so writing progress will be slow until the new year. Once I get back, I should be able to move forward fairly quickly: Chapter 5 was getting too big, so I cleaved it neatly in two, and now I have a good start on both Chapters 5 and 6. I hope to release them in January, and then try to keep up a 1–2 chapter per month pace until the book is done. Of course, I'll announce the availability of each chapter as it's released, both here and on the Rails Tutorial Twitter account.
By the way, the feedback so far has been both encouraging and very helpful. Thanks to everyone who's take the time to write in!