The print edition of the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial is out

Dec 27, 2010 • posted by Michael Hartl

I'm pleased to announce that the print edition of the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book is out! You can buy it now at Amazon using the following URL:

In addition to giving you the convenience of a physical book, your purchase comes with an extra bonus—I am preparing a special screencast just for buyers of the print edition, due out in early 2011. Although the exact contents are to be determined, I will probably cover the awesome Haml markup language, with applications to the sample code from the Rails Tutorial book. This bonus screencast ensures that even those of you who have already read the online version (or who have bought the PDF) will get something extra when you buy the dead-tree version.

Even if you don't buy the print book now, you can still help out by leaving a review at Amazon. Since the contents of the print edition are essentially identical to the electronic version, you can base your review on your reading of the online book or PDF. Of course, positive reviews are especially appreciated (such as those already included in the praise section), but the number of reviews is also important, so I'm grateful to anyone who takes the time to write one:

For ethical reasons, I can't promise any special bonuses for good reviews, but I also can't promise that I won't accidentally buy you a beer at the next RailsConf. :-)

By the way, when you click on the URL, you might notice that

is actually an affiliate link. Ordinarily, this might represent a potential conflict of interest, which I would have to disclose, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that I have a financial interest in the sales of my own book!