Full Draft of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial 6th Edition

Sep 9, 2019 • posted by Michael Hartl

A full draft of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial, 6th Edition is now available!

Since its release in 2010, the Rails Tutorial has been one of the leading introductions to web development, helping thousands of people start new careers, become freelance web developers, or found companies of their own. I’m grateful for all the support!

You can buy the Rails Tutorial now and get a 20% launch discount. You’ll get HTML, EPUB, Kindle, and PDF versions of the full 874-page book, as well as solutions to all 310 exercises. You’ll also get a free update when the final version is finished.

Here are some quick details on this new edition:

  • The tutorial has been fully updated to be compatible with the recently released Rails 6. As with previous editions, the focus is on providing a thorough introduction to web development rather than on covering the latest features of Rails.

  • In addition to getting the book version, you can also subscribe to the Rails Tutorial course or to the Learn Enough All Access bundle, which offer many features beyond the text. Note that the Rails Tutorial 6th edition videos are currently in preparation; all subscribers will get immediate access when they’re done (I hope within a few weeks).

  • One significant update is that all chapters after Chapter 3 are now premium, available by purchase or by course subscription. This marks a change from previous editions, but note that there are still three full sample chapters (over 170 pages of material) available for free online. Moreover, the full online tutorial is still available at a discount or for free through the Learn Enough Scholarship program. Scholarship criteria are generous and flexible, so please apply for a scholarship if cost is a factor.

  • Finally, alert readers might note that we’ve skipped a version to sync up with Rails. The 4th edition covered Rails 5, which was a source of constant confusion, even to me. (It’s still available here for a limited time.) But if iPhone and Windows can skip versions, so can we! Now the 6th edition of the Rails Tutorial naturally covers Rails 6. Easy peasy!

I’ve edited the manuscript carefully, but this is a draft, so there may still be straggling errors, typos, and bugs. Reports of such issues, no matter how small, are greatly appreciated, and can be emailed to [email protected].

I’ll send a further update once the draft is finalized and the screencast videos are ready. ’Til then!

P.S. Remember that you can get a 20% launch discount if you buy the Rails Tutorial 6th Edition now.

rails , tutorials , update